Number of Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States in 2024

Last updated on November 11, 2024

How many Dunkin Donuts locations are there in the United States?

There are 9,731 Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States as of November 11, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Dunkin Donuts locations in the US is New York, with 1,436 locations, which is about 15% of all Dunkin Donuts locations in the US.

How can I download a list of Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 9,731 Dunkin Donuts locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Dunkin Donuts locations

New York

1,436 (15%)

A location for every 13,547 people, in New York with about 15% of the total number of Dunkin Donuts locations


1,040 (11%)

A location for every 6,628 people, in Massachusetts with about 11% of the total number of Dunkin Donuts locations


916 (9%)

A location for every 23,448 people, in Florida with about 9% of the total number of Dunkin Donuts locations

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
New York 1,436 (15%) 19.45M 13.55K
Massachusetts 1,040 (11%) 6.89M 6.63K
Florida 916 (9%) 21.48M 23.45K
New Jersey 872 (9%) 8.88M 10.19K
Illinois 715 (7%) 12.67M 17.72K
Pennsylvania 649 (7%) 12.80M 19.73K
Connecticut 473 (5%) 3.56M 7.54K
Maryland 313 (3%) 6.05M 19.32K
Georgia 290 (3%) 10.62M 36.61K
Ohio 267 (3%) 11.69M 43.78K

There are Dunkin Donuts locations in 46 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Dunkin Donuts locations

These states and territories do not have any Dunkin Donuts locations

  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • Montana
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Idaho
  • North Dakota
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Puerto Rico
  • South Dakota
  • American Samoa

There are 11 states and territories without Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States

Cities with the most number of Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Chicago Illinois 207
New York New York 169
Brooklyn New York 135
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 125
Bronx New York 93
Boston Massachusetts 65
Orlando Florida 52
Baltimore Maryland 46
Jamaica New York 39
Staten Island New York 39

Dunkin Donuts vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Dunkin Donuts   vs   Subway 20,491 (+10,760 locations than Dunkin Donuts) 51 (+6 states than Dunkin Donuts) 6,661 (+3,340 cities than Dunkin Donuts)
Dunkin Donuts   vs   Starbucks 15,270 (+5,539 locations than Dunkin Donuts) 52 (+7 states than Dunkin Donuts) 3,535 (+214 cities than Dunkin Donuts)
Dunkin Donuts   vs   McDonald's 13,562 (+3,831 locations than Dunkin Donuts) 54 (+9 states than Dunkin Donuts) 5,052 (+1,731 cities than Dunkin Donuts)
Dunkin Donuts   vs   Hunt Brothers Pizza 9,703 ( -28 locations than Dunkin Donuts) 36 ( -9 states than Dunkin Donuts) 4,356 (+1,035 cities than Dunkin Donuts)
Dunkin Donuts   vs   Taco Bell 8,016 ( -1,715 locations than Dunkin Donuts) 51 (+6 states than Dunkin Donuts) 3,571 (+250 cities than Dunkin Donuts)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Dunkin Donuts with any other company, please contact our sales team

Reviews of Dunkin Donuts Locations

Based on location reviews and ratings from over 2.58M customer of all Dunkin Donuts locations, it was found that:



Average rating from 2.58M reviews


High customer satisfaction rating


Poor customer feedback

Dunkin Donuts Locations with highest ratings

Store Name City State Address Review Rating No. of Reviews
Dunkin' Dayton OH 1310 Woodman Dr, Dayton, OH, 45432 4.4 862
Dunkin' Tucson AZ 9485 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, 85710 4.4 661
Dunkin' Lawrenceburg IN 100 W Eads Pkwy, Lawrenceburg, IN, 47025 4.4 647
Dunkin' El Paso TX 1105 N Yarbrough Dr, El Paso, TX, 79925 4.3 1574
Dunkin' Tucson AZ 10200 East Old Vail Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85747 4.4 583

Dunkin Donuts Locations with lowest ratings

Store Name City State Address Review Rating No. of Reviews
Dunkin' Aberdeen MD Maryland Turnpike I-95 (Mm82) Maryland House Travel Plaza, Aberdeen, MD, 21001 1.7 353
Dunkin' Okeechobee FL MM 184 Florida Tpke, Okeechobee, FL, 34972 1.9 340
Dunkin' Destin FL 1012 Highway 98 E, Destin, FL, 32541 2.6 604
Dunkin' Deltona FL 499 Howland Blvd, Deltona, FL, 32738 2.7 821
Dunkin' Midlothian VA 13521 Waterford Place, Midlothian, VA, 23112 2.7 446

The POI locations dataset of Dunkin Donuts does not include location reviews.
If you would like to access the customer review dataset or have any questions, please contact Sales.

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Download the complete database of Dunkin Donuts Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Dunkin Donuts locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Dunkin Donuts Miamisburg 9960 Summit Point Dr Miamisburg OH 45342 937-530-3312 39.60651 -84.227646 9960 Summit Point Dr, Miamisburg, OH, 45342 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Tiffin 1804 W Market St Bp Gas Station Tiffin OH 44883 567-220-6878 41.11141 -83.20505 1804 W Market St Bp Gas Station, Tiffin, OH, 44883 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Perkasie 1301 N 5th St Perkasie PA 18944 215-257-4000 40.383947 -75.275641 1301 N 5th St, Perkasie, PA, 18944 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Silverdale 103 S Baringer Ave Silverdale PA 18962 267-621-4819 40.349227 -75.269269 103 S Baringer Ave, Silverdale, PA, 18962 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Reading 101 Love Rd Reading PA 19607 484-339-2698 40.269869 -75.919321 101 Love Rd, Reading, PA, 19607 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Ocean City 8101 Coastal Hwy Ocean City MD 21842 410-520-0067 38.400313 -75.061702 8101 Coastal Hwy, Ocean City, MD, 21842 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Dover 1200 N Dupont Highway Dover DE 19901 39.187112 -75.539959 1200 N Dupont Highway, Dover, DE, 19901 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Hartford 1214 Main St Hartford Yard Goats Baseball Hartford CT 06103 860-810-0823 41.77135 -72.67473 1214 Main St Hartford Yard Goats Baseball, Hartford, CT, 06103 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Wilmington 701 N Market St Wilmington DE 19801 302-481-6225 39.742804 -75.549929 701 N Market St, Wilmington, DE, 19801 USA 2024-11-11
Dunkin Donuts Niles 619 North Main Street Niles OH 44446 330-787-1609 41.187774 -80.764966 619 North Main Street, Niles, OH, 44446 USA 2024-11-11

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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